Privacy Policy

Data processing of customer data

The data you provide us with during the checkout process is required for the performance of a contract or to take steps prior to entering a contract. Without this data, we cannot conclude the contract with you.

This data includes contact information (name, billing address, email address, phone number), products purchased, prices, date of purchase, VAT ID (if applicable) and is shared with Stripe Inc. for payment processing.

We use the third-party service provider Stripe Inc. to securely process payments. For more information about Stripe’s privacy policy visit

We store your personal data for tax related reasons (7 years) and liability reasons (10 years) according to § 96 Abs 3 TKG as well as Art 6 Abs 1 lit b der DSGVO (required for completing a contract).

The information you provide us with in forms (including name, billing address, email address, phone number, IP-address, Twitter account handle, Discord account handle) is required for the performance of a contract, to take steps prior to entering a contract or technical or authentication reasons. Without this data, we cannot conclude the contract with you or offer you our services.


Felix Breuer

Ferrogasse 34/7

1180 Wien



Phone: +4367761956269


You have the right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability and to object. Contact us about this.

If you believe that the processing of your data contravenes data-protection law or your legal claim to protection of your data has been violated in some other way, you can complain to the supervisory authorities. The Data Protection Authority is responsible for this in Austria.

Last updated: 4th July 2021